Monday, 24 September 2018

The Fairies are back

backyard fairy ring
casts a spell

Fairy City back in 2016
Right on cue, exactly a year since their last visit, the fairies have returned for their annual holiday. Setting up camp in my prolific fungal village, and with fair weather predicted for the next few days, they should be able to while away their time without too much disturbance. They’re not exactly into raucous revelry, but they are a merry little lot, so long as they’re left to their own devices. Their camping ground turned into a city two years ago with literally hundreds of tiny fungi forming a giant number 3 in the grass as two halves of two fairy rings converged, providing shelter for a multitude of visitors. Maybe that was a particularly important occasion, for last year was much quieter by comparison, so who knows what might be in store this year. Wonder if I’ll be invited to anything.

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