Sunday 9 September 2018

Shedding Light

Bear witness
Do not be silent
Shine a light

Mahatma Gandhi’s quote You must be the change you wish to see in the world has galvanized many to leave the comforts of home or stable employment and commit to standing alongside the marginalized and vulnerable, giving a voice to those who are denied the chance to determine their own futures, advocating for those unable to represent or defend themselves.

The realisation that not only governments and community and charity organisations, but we as individuals have a personal responsibility to address and minimize the suffering of others, can be a cathartic moment. As statistics pile up around all manner of worldwide and interpersonal disasters and conflicts, we feel powerless much of the time to address such situations in any meaningful way.

I find I have to shrink the whole thing down in order to believe I can make any contribution at all. Bring it down to individual situations, one on one conversations, practical assistance when words simply cannot be found, stepping in to fill a gap, intervening when someone is at risk, holding someone’s hand when they feel alone, including those who feel on the outer. None of us feel comfortable when we witness the mistreatment of others, be it the little kid next door being bullied, or refugees fleeing persecution en masse.

Venturing into situations where we feel out of our depth can be a risk in itself, but maybe something as simple as connecting with an established and reputable local community group could give us a safe place in which to start learning about the real needs of others, and a structure in which to start assisting. Taking those first steps in helping others not only survive, but grow and have hope for the future, can have a profound impact, not only for them but for ourselves.

British statesman Edmund Burke said The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

So whether it be in words or deeds, shed some light on and bring light into dark places. Reveal what is hidden in the shadows, expose what is corrupt and those who suppress, repress, abuse and exclude. Be that place of refuge, lighting the way, as well as a beacon warning of danger. Highlight those who encourage, uplift, bring reconciliation and hope, and in so doing may our efforts, however humble, be a much better offering than turning our backs because it all seems too hard.

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