Friday 7 September 2018

From Refuge to Ruin

Being one who likes to have a good dig in the garden and stir the compost occasionally, I’ve always believed that worms love a dark moist dirty environment. They love it, they thrive on it. Why then, when we’ve just had an inch of rain in just over twenty-four hours, would the local worms be abandoning their natural habitat and heading inside to get out of the rain?

I’ve been cleaning our local public toilets for a long time, and this phenomenon seems to keep recurring in the Ladies Loo. Not in the Gents, just the Ladies. Today there were twenty three shriveled up worm carcasses littering the floor. Some only made it in the front door, while others had expended a lot more energy before discovering wandering into a sheltered place with a dry floor was fraught with danger. Not sure what goes on in a worm brain, but as a consequence of their misguided exploit into unknown territory, their moist little bodies simply didn’t have the wherewithal to backtrack to safety.

What is the attraction of the ‘Ladies’ I wonder? There’s a strip of grass outside the Gents, but admittedly the grassed area outside the Ladies does slope downwards somewhat, but not so much that the rain would wash them in there. I guess the heavy rain brought them out of their hidey-holes and the gradient gave momentum to the direction of their overnight exploration. With visions of returning with tales of high adventure and discovery, little did they know leaving the safety of home turf would be their demise.

Wonder if there’s a lesson to be learned here, but I must admit heading out on a daring escapade does sound a lot more exciting than doing the same old thing day in, day out.

Maybe you just shouldn’t do it on a cold rainy night.

Worms taking refuge
met their predetermined fate
in the Ladies Loo

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