Sunday 30 September 2018


 Bushwalking under a canopy of giant eucalypts, or through any forest for that matter, holds more reward for me than simply leaving the daily routine behind. Breathing in the fresh aromas, adjusting my focus to take in both the big picture as well as the fine details often hidden at first glance, it doesn’t necessarily take long to feel more at one with the world around me. I can appreciate the grandeur of my surroundings, but when it comes to trees, getting up close and personal, running my fingers over the surface of a living thing way older than myself, that’s what attracts me most. I love the texture of things, the patterns, the random beauty of nature. Even in the midst of similarity, each is unique.

Tree's outer layer
protecting and preserving
the life held within

Saturday 29 September 2018

Footy Final Fever

Tears, jubilation
the joy, the pain, the highs and lows
of Grand Final Day

Wednesday 26 September 2018

3 Blind Books #2

Very busy day, brain feeling scrambled so three blind books again to see what I can come up with (refer yesterday’s entry).

The Chamber – John Grisham
Spring Moon – Bette Bao Lord
Eve Green – Susan Fletcher

A picture immediately came to mind of an Indiana Jones type situation, ferreting around in the middle of the night on an archaeological site in the Middle East somewhere, searching for some famed ancient talisman or priceless antiquity rumoured to be in a secret burial chamber. Time is of the essence, hence the pre-emptive attempt to find the treasure’s location and secure it for its intended place in Egypt’s national museum, before those who have ill-gotten gain as their only goal have a chance to usurp her plan.

Eve Green’s only chance
to discover the chamber
was by the Spring moon