Friday, 11 May 2018

Ideas #2 - Perspective

There are times when you simply have to look at things from a different perspective in order to make any progress. Sitting in front of a blank computer screen, staring at a blank canvas or sheet of paper, willing an idea to present itself, to come like a shot out of the blue knocking us off our feet and resulting in a sudden rush of creative vigour, well, to put it mildly, you're dreamin.'

Our work spaces are not always conducive to creative thinking, so it can be helpful to literally remove ourselves from them, or rework, rearrange or reorganise them so they feed our creativity rather than stifle it. The stimulus that will help us step back, take a breath, open our eyes, ears, hearts and minds to a new way of approaching whatever we're trying to achieve is as individual as we are.

Take a walk, listen to music, go for a drive or bike ride, make a pot of soup, pick some flowers, inhale, play with the kids, take some photos, visit a gallery, watch someone with a skill totally outside your field make something of beauty, climb a tree, shuffle through autumn leaves. Walk along the beach, not in summer but in the dead of winter when the wind is howling and the waves are pounding on to the shore. Declutter, rearrange your furniture, cook for friends, go away for a few days to somewhere you've never been before.

Change something, anything. You never know what small, simple action will be the impetus for renewed insight.

Step outside
the view is different
without walls

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