Monday, 14 May 2018

Comforting Promise

In the midst of the second of two days of crazy wild weather across much of Tasmania, I headed to town on Friday to be greeted by a stunning rainbow framing the village. Unfortunately, by the time I made it a few kilometres down the road and stopped to capture the moment, its vibrancy had faded. With the rain lashing my bedroom window, the wind roared throughout Thursday night, buffeting and rattling my front door to the point I was sure it would blow open. It’s happened once before in the middle of the night in similar circumstances, so I was thankful not to repeat the experience.

As I was to discover later, at the moment I was taking the photo, our giant Village Green tree succumbed yet again to the gale force winds and lost another large limb. So, once more, the Green has been cordoned off and the limb sawn up while we await the verdict on the safety or otherwise of what has become something of a village icon over the years.

Those in the south of the State fared worst, with several months’ worth of rain falling in a matter of hours and with it, substantial widespread damage. We in the north were nowhere near as hard hit, but power outages in many rural areas dragged on well into the weekend as technicians located problems and reinstated services.

As the wind and rain reduced in ferocity and began to subside, the overarching rainbow felt like a reminder that the worst was over, a reassuring promise of peace and protection.

Rainbow arc
wild weather’s promised

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