Tuesday 3 July 2018

Room to Breathe

Pruning back
thinning out, making
room for growth

Pruning. An annual task usually best done in autumn for optimum results. Of course, if you’re anything like me, those straggly branches and dense growth which cover neighbouring plants are only attended to when things get totally out of control.

That explains the huge pile of branches in the middle of the backyard from my shrubs that decided they wanted to be small trees. They’ve been whipped into shape, and in the process the smaller shrubs in front of them now have access to more light and more room in which to grow.

I often feel like the same process needs to happen in my own life. Sorting through the clutter, identifying the things which consume time and space to the detriment of others, cutting back, even tossing things and activities out so there is room to live more simply, find more fulfilling pursuits and explore new possibilities.

Would be helpful to face such a task on at least an annual basis, in order to avoid accepting that where we are now is all there is. Why limit ourselves and walk that well-worn rut when our full potential is begging to be realised.

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