Wednesday, 24 January 2018


One of the bonuses of living in Tasmania is the normally temperate climate. Talking about the weather here is not a sign that your current conversation is dull, or that you’ve run out of scintillating conversation points. Being an island State we are subject to the forces of Nature from every which way, so the weather has a way of taking on an importance all its own that is discussed frequently and in great detail. We’re not in the habit of experiencing such extremes of temperature, so in the light of the current heatwave I’ve come to the conclusion summer is definitely my least favourite season.

In much the same way as southerners head to Queensland to escape the worst of winter, I feel the urge to head to the northern hemisphere for a while and not return until the temperature is more to my liking. Everything is suffering, the farms and gardens, we poor humans who get cranky when the discomfort goes on for too long, and every other creature as well, except those underwater obviously. Came upon this poor fellow on a scorching day in Melbourne a while ago, probably repeating the ordeal as we speak.

Out of breath
seagull suffocating
in the heat

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