Tuesday 6 November 2018

Elusive Hoarder

If we humans went about the task of constructing what we felt was the perfect nest, I wonder what model we would adopt. Certainly not one like this I expect, for its openness to the elements shows how vulnerable its occupant is both in terms of weather and predators. But the male is a wily one, often waiting until you’ve given up on your vigil to make his appearance and tend to his home base.

The bower of one of these unique birds is a thing of beauty, intricately and artistically formed to provide a strong construction from where he can attract the ladies at his leisure. The Satin bower bird is a ‘blue’ fellow, not depressed, but intent on increasing his private collection with natural and man-made objects to the point where a potential mate simply cannot resist.
Meanwhile, from her own nest, the female checks out all this activity from her vantage point up in another tree, popping down periodically to check out the progress, and not until his flagrant wooing attempts and real estate meet her exacting standards will she be impressed enough to return his amorous advances.

Hmm, we humans might be a different species, but something about their behaviour sounds rather familiar.

Bower bird
keeps well out of sight

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