Sunday, 9 December 2018


Corner post
bears the strain from both

Who do you turn to when things go pear-shaped, when your little patch of universe starts falling apart, when what you thought was predictable and reliable is no longer so? We tend to react rather than respond, and from the standpoint of being the centre of that universe, we see everything in terms of how it affects us, rather than take anyone else into the equation.

It’s sometimes difficult finding your way through even the most ordinary pressures of everyday life on your own, and the ensuing tangle that can often eventuate. It helps to maintain good connections so the ups and downs of each other’s journey can be shared, as well as having at least one key person you can rely on when things get really tough.

A corner post is bigger and stronger than the rest, sunk deeper, for it has to withstand a lot of tension and pressure from opposing sides. If it falls, everything connected to it also falls, but it is purpose built. It is the anchoring point, the meeting point, the focal point on which all others depend.

We all need a corner post. I know I do.

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