Sunday, 7 January 2018

Anyone coming to the Rescue?

If I’d walked out at any other time of the day it would’ve been fine, but I had to choose THAT moment to go and turn off the sprinkler. I was about to go out, my day was planned, but everything was put on hold with the sight of a tiger snake coiling itself around the kangaroo paw and heading deeper into the garden bed near the back door. Not the first time my yard has seen fit to host an unwanted visitor, last year’s one lived under the house for a while then turned up in the wood heap in the middle of winter.

With Reptile Rescue called, I then dutifully took up position on snake stake-out for the next two and a half hours, at which point I was advised to get on with whatever I was going to do for the day seeing as they couldn’t locate anyone to actually come to the rescue, of either me or the snake. Great, a real confidence booster. As far as I know he’s still there undercover in the middle of the daisy bush, ready to come out at will to sun himself on the path and then retreat to safety. Guess I won’t be doing any weeding any time soon.

Think I’ll order some cement trucks tomorrow, pave paradise, put up a parking lot.

Beauty and terror
slithering, so nonchalant
fearless tiger snake

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