Felt sure we’d lose power this afternoon. Right on cue, in came the rain
from the west as predicted by the weather bureau, a welcome thirst quencher for
the dry ground, but a distant rumble of thunder a few hours later heralded more
to come. Hurriedly packed up my desk as the sky turned from pale grey to
charcoal, hightailed it home amidst the thunder and lightning, not game to put
up the brolly in case it became a magnet for the next flash of lightning, just
making it to the front door as the heavens opened and really dumped it.
FLASH, cat and dog 1, cat and dog 2, cat and dog 3, cat and dog 4 BOOM……make
a cuppa in case the power goes off……FLASH, cat and dog 1, cat and dog 2, cat
and dog 3, cat BOOM, ooh, it’s heading this way.
We have no control over what will unfold, and with Nature seemingly out
of control all we can do is look on with fascination, awe and wonder, and
sometimes even fear. I’m happy to watch from the safety of home, thankful the
garden has received bucket loads of life giving minerals that tap water simply
doesn’t provide. There’s the calm before the storm, then there’s the calm after
the storm. The sun is out again, there’s barely a breath of wind, and I’m sure
the grass is already looking greener.
Running home as thunder booms
sudden storm
for summer’s end
for summer’s end